SCI/SCI-E Journal

  • Eunchurn Park, Kyung-Won Min, Sung-Kyung Lee, Sang-Hyun Lee, Heon-Jae Lee, Seok-Jun Moon, Hyung-Jo Jung, "Real-time Hybrid Test on a Semi-actively Controlled Building Structure Equipped with Full-scale MR Dampers", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 12/2010; 21(18):1831-1850. DOI:10.1177/1045389X10390253 - 2.17 Impact Factor

  • Heon-Jae Lee, Hyung-Jo Jung, Seok-Jun Moon, Sung-Kyung Lee, Eunchurn Park, Kyung-WonMin,"ExperimentalInvestigationof MRDamper-basedSemiactiveControl Algorithms for Full-scale Five-story SteelFrame Building", Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 06/2010; 21(10):1025-1037. DOI:10.1177/1045389X10374162 - 2.17 Impact Factor

  • Jae-Sung Heo, Sung-Kyung Lee, Eunchurn Park, Sang-Hyun Lee, Kyung-Won Min, Hongjin Kim, Jiseong Jo, Bong-Ho Cho, "Performance test of a tuned liquid mass damperforreducing bidirectionalresponsesof building structures",TheStructural Design of Tall and Special Buildings 11/2009; 18(7):789 - 805. DOI:10.1002/tal.486 - 0.83 Impact Factor

  • Eunchurn Park, Sang-Hyun Lee, Kyung-Won Min, Lan Chung, Sung-Kyung Lee, Seung-Ho Cho, Eunjong Yu, Kyung-Soo Kang, "Design of an actuator for simulating wind-induced response of a building structure", SMART STRUCTURES AND SYSTEMS 01/2008; 4(1). DOI:10.12989/sss.2008.4.1.085 - 1.16 Impact Factor

  • Sung-Kyung Lee, Eunchurn Park, Kyung-Won Min, Ji-Hun Park, "Real-time substructuring technique for the shaking table test of upper substructures", Engineering Structures 09/2007; 29(9):2219-2232. DOI:10.1016/j.engstruct.2006.11.013 - 1.77 Impact Factor

  • Sung-Kyung Lee, Eunchurn Park, Kyung-Won Min, Sang-Hyun Lee, Ji-Hun Park, "Experimental implementation of a building structure with a tuned liquid column damper based on the real-time hybrid testing method", Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology 06/2007; 21(6):885-890. DOI:10.1007/BF03027063 - 0.70 Impact Factor

  • Sung-Kyung Lee, Eunchurn Park, Kyung-Won Min, Sang-Hyun Lee, Lan Chung, Ji-Hun Park, " Real-time hybrid shaking table testing method for the performance evaluation of a tuned liquid damper controlling seismic response of building structures", Journal of Sound and Vibration 05/2007; DOI:10.1016/j.jsv.2006.12.006 - 1.86 Impact Factor